Thursday, March 12, 2015

Test Marc

Monday, February 9, 2015

Charlie Hebdo


I decided to write and send this letter to anyone who is concerned for my safety. As I'm sure you have heard there was recently a violent attack on the satirical comic company known as "Charlie Hebdo". In case you haven't, I will describe the event briefly here. After publishing a new article that had pictures of Mohammad, and poked fun at the Islamic religion, two Islamic extremists arrived at the building. They both existed their car, covered, and armed. They killed a total of 12 people in their terrorist attack. Two of those twelve victims were police officers while the other ten worked for Charlie Hebdo. This occurance ended the lives of good people and luckily I was in another location during the event. So I am safe and unharmed, and I wish i could say the same thing for those twelve. There has been a lot of debate recently trying to decide wether it was ok for Charlie Hebdo to release this magazine. Some are saying that Charlie Hebdo were at fault for revealing pictures of Islam's prophet, which is strictly against their religion. Others are saying that they are at no fault, that they have poked fun at other religions and have never gotten the same response as this tragic one. They say it is a satirical magazine, that is what they are supposed to do. I personnaly agree with the latter more than the former, but also believe that Charlie Hebdo should have been more cautious and considerate with their work. I pray for those who lost their lives as well as the families in grief.

Barrett Lehnen

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Quand Fifi Était Petite